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How Sitting Affects the Structure of Your Back


Do you spend a lot of time sitting behind a desk? Remember to take frequent breaks and move.

It’s a simple activity that we do every day, whether we’re driving to work, typing on a computer at our desk, playing video games or watching television. A sedentary activity, sitting can cause the structure of our to spine to become shifted leading to many secondary conditions, such as discomfort or pain. What you may not know is that too much sitting can also cause tightness in the hip flexors, important muscles that are responsible for easy movement.

Get Moving

So, what can you do? One of the best ways to keep your structure in place is by staying active. Taking walk breaks throughout the day is good for your spine and your overall health.

Looking for a more rigorous exercise? Running, swimming, working out at the gym or doing yoga can also help reduce structural problems.

Boost Your Health

Sitting doesn’t just affect your structure—it’s also bad for your health. Sitting can contribute to a variety of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. When you get moving, you’re not only helping your back, but enhancing your health too.

Developing structural shifts in the spine from excessive sitting puts needless wear and tear on your spine. Getting checked and corrected if need be helps to minimize any damage that may accrue.

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